Patient Reviews of Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services – Issaquah, WA

What a great feeling! I’m a former High School Band Director (32 years) and thanks to Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services, I can truthfully say that I really enjoy life, people & TV!

– Harold

Michele possesses a rare knack for blending high-level clinical and technical audiology skills with an inherent warmth and empathy for her patients.

– Art

Your caring attitude was very comforting my first visit and continues to be. I know I can call and my questions will be answered by a Real Live Person who knows the answer or will call back with it.

– Betty

There is one word for these new hearing aids — miraculous. I always believed I was hearing enough to get by. Now I realize what I have been missing my entire life. I think I’m grieving my hearing loss a little bit. I actually got angry the other day and thought, “Other people have had quite the advantage over me for my entire life!” It wasn’t the reaction I expected. I can hear EVERYTHING. I have only said, “What?” one or two times since I’ve started wearing these — and in both cases, I did hear correctly, I just didn’t think I had. I’d say the biggest impact these hearing aids have had is with my children. I can hear their little voices. I don’t have to lean down and ask my daughter to talk into my ear. Oh, and I can have conversations with neighbors and the grocery checker, etc. I’ve realized people are odd. LOL. I’m LISTENING now, not filling in blanks. And you’re right: It’s made my life easier. I can’t WAIT to put my hearing aids in in the morning, which is the total opposite of how I used to feel.

– Rachel

I am very glad I found them.

I have worn hearing aids for 16 years and have been a patient of several local audiology companies. Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services is by far the “Best of the Best”.

Michelle Hillard is my audiologist and she has always worked in my best interest. I have always been treated with great care and respect.

Eastside’s policy to try hearing aids before you buy is very helpful. Michelle knew from my hearing tests which brands would work best and after I wore them I was able to choose the aids that worked for my lifestyle.

Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services is a very stable company with highly qualified audiologists.

– Sally

You can’t believe how much you have enhanced my life. My new hearing aid is great. I can carry on a sensible conversation with those that I meet in an ordinary way. Clerks, wait people & friends. My FM system lets me hear what the pastor is saying on Sundays, what a friend in the car, or across a table is saying. My new phone (CapTel) has very clear & loud volume & not only that it prints what someone is saying!!! This is just a short version of the differences you have made for me & always greeting me with a smile & helpful way. I’m off for a month long trip & you all have made it so I can hear so much better that the trip will be more fun. God Bless you all.

– Marilyn

I can’t remember the last time I have had so great of an experience with an office or even a company. I do really appreciate the fact that the hearing aids can be tested before purchase. That is quite a plus.

– Deborah

If you could change one thing (or more) about our practice, what would it be? Nothing, Very Seldom do you receive care of this quality.

– James

I really, really appreciate this group of pros! I’ve had hearing aids since I was 3 years old due to a childhood illness. This is the first practice I’ve been to where the audiologists are professional, caring and non-judging. My experience with other vendors has been condescending & I really, really appreciate this group of pros!

– Heather

I am so very pleased with my new hearing aids.

I find them of great help in the dining room. When the volume of conversations build, I can turn down the background sound and hear conversations at our table better.

In addition, I found another use for that feature the other night. In the past, I have had a problem hearing over the noisy heating/air-conditioning unit in my apartment if it cycles on while I am on the phone, to the extent that I have had to get up, cross the room and turn down the thermostat before continuing with the conversation. Now, I found that I can just turn down the volume on my hearing aid so that the noise in the room is greatly reduced, and I can continue with the conversation – what a relief!

Needless to say, that makes my quick fix for noise even quicker. Thank you so much for your help over the years!!! Never before have I actually enjoyed wearing hearing aids!

– Edith

I am amazed every day by how much sound I’ve been missing.

My wife had been bugging me for weeks to get my hearing checked. Your professional analysis proved what she had suspected – I had a hearing loss.

Later that night I went to and took Oticon’s background noise, hearing test. I failed. I asked my wife to also take the test and she passed with a 50% better score! Between your competent service and Oticon’s self-test I was sold on Delta hearing aids. All that remained was choosing from the wide variety of available colors.

I’ve been using my Deltas for a week and I am amazed every day by how much sound I’ve been missing. It is much easier to understand what people are saying and my wife is happy that we can now watch TV at half the volume. And when I ask people if they notice anything new about me it takes them several minutes of close observation before they see my hearing aids.

– Joe

The best thing about my new hearing aids is that I can hear my own speech.

Without hearing aids, I can’t tell if I’m completing words that end in soft consonants. When I’m speaking now, while wearing the hearing aids that you programmed for me, I can hear the “ing” sound of words like “riding” and “talking.” The result is that I have more confidence when I’m talking with people and that is a wonderful feeling.

The other “best thing” about my new hearing aids is that I can hear more of what others are saying. I don’t have to work so hard to imagine what I think they are saying.

As you can tell, I am very pleased with the hearing aids that you have sold me.

– Richard

I am delighted with my new Agil Pro Oticon hearing aids.

What a difference it has made in the quality of my life! The comfort, fit, natural sound and ease in volume adjustments are superb.

The entire staff of Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services are true professionals, in every sense of the word. I found Dr. Michele Hillard, my audiologist, to be so very kind, supportive and technically skilled. It was a pleasure to learn from her competence.

I highly recommend Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services.

– Carol

I want to thank you for your help in helping me choose the perfect set of hearing aids. As you are aware, it took me over a year to decide to get a set of hearing aids to improve my hearing as well as my quality of life. I was so pleasantly surprised how comfortable the OTICON fit from day one. They are the greatest thing since sliced bread. You and your staff are super. Thanks again.

– Joseph

I was referred to Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services 5 years ago. While the drive from my home in Seattle is certainly not convenient, I would not even consider a move to an office closer to home. The hearing aids I could purchase anywhere, but replicating the personal service and caring attitude of the entire staff would be impossible.

– Diane

Big Thank You! Best results I have had ever. I can understand the TV without a headset.

– Erhardt

Wonderful service. Thoughtful consideration for the patient’s personal needs. Highly recommended.

– Don