September 12, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
Imagine for a minute you’re a salesperson. Now picture that you have a call scheduled today with a very valuable client. Your company is being looked at for a job and several people from your company have gathered on a conference call. All of the different voices get a bit muddled and hard to comprehend. […]
September 6, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
Isn’t pizza fascinating? You can alter the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses on it, but as long as it satisfies a few general factors, it’s still a pizza. That’s a lot like hearing loss. But as long as you have trouble hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss whether it’s due to genetic factors, age, obstructions, […]
August 31, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
Cognitive decline and hearing loss, what’s the link? Medical science has found a connection between brain health and hearing loss. It was discovered that even minor neglected hearing loss raises your risk of developing dementia. Scientists believe that there might be a pathological link between these two seemingly unrelated health problems. So how can a […]
August 16, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
There are two types of vacations, right? There’s the type where you cram every single activity you can into every waking moment. This kind will leave you more exhausted than when you left but all of the fun will be recalled for many years to come. Then there are the relaxing kinds of vacations. These […]
August 9, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
Tom is getting a brand new knee and he’s super pumped! Hey, the things you look forward to change as you age. His knee replacement means he will experience less pain and be able to get out and about a lot better. So the operation is a success and Tom heads home. But that isn’t […]
August 2, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
You’ve probably noted that when movies or television shows get really intense, they start using close-ups (maybe even extreme close-ups). That’s because the human face conveys a lot of information (more information than you’re probably consciously aware of). It’s no stretch to say that human beings are extremely facially focused. So having all of your […]
July 25, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
Once you get used to your hearing aid, it’s difficult to go without it. After all, your hearing aids are essential to connect with your world. But just like all technology, though, it will need to be upgraded eventually. A hearing aid’s typical lifespan From 3 to 7 years will be the typical lifespan of […]
July 20, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
It isn’t like you simply wake up one day, and suddenly can’t hear. Hearing loss, particularly when it’s associated with aging, typically progresses in degrees. Some signs show up earlier, though, and you don’t detect there is a problem right away. The early symptoms of progressive hearing loss are subtle. Identifying them sooner is essential […]
July 11, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
You Know when you’re viewing an action movie and the hero has a thunderous explosion close by and their ears start ringing? Well, at least some amount of mild brain trauma has likely happened to them. To be sure, brain injuries aren’t the part that most action movies focus on. But that high-pitched ringing is […]
July 5, 2023 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
TikTok has some really amazing videos you’ve most likely watched. Babies, after they just get fitted for hearing aids, hearing their mother’s voice for the first time. Sometimes, initially, the baby is resistant. They struggle when the doctor tries to put the device in their ear. Before they smile with joy, they may cry a […]