July 5, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
You’re having a Zoom call with your grandchild and you’ve been waiting for it all week! You’ll have a blast and get caught up with your cherished family members. But when the call begins, you are mortified to realize, you can’t hear what your loved ones are saying. You’re wearing your hearing aids but things […]
June 29, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
Crackling in your ear? Crackling, buzzing, “static”, or whooshing noises in your ear can all be signs of a condition known as tinnitus. Here’s what you need to know. Do you hear phantom noises like thumping, ringing, or buzzing in your ears? If you use hearing aids, it can mean that they need adjustment or […]
June 21, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
Hearing loss is generally accepted as simply a normal part of getting older: as we get older, we begin to hear things a little less clearly. Perhaps we begin to turn up the volume on the TV or keep asking our grandkids to speak up when they’re talking to us, or maybe we start forgetting […]
June 14, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
You totally spaced your hearing test tomorrow, but that’s not very unusual, you’re very busy. Fortunately, you just got that reminder text from us, and you still have some time to prepare. So how should I get ready? Hearing exams aren’t like back in college or high school where you’d have to pull an all-nighter […]
June 7, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
You’re planning a really active summer. Some beach time and lots of swimming for sure. You’ll do some regular running and then maybe take in a baseball game or two before heading home to up some delicious dinner. You’ll be busy! And you want to be sure your hearing aids are up to the task. […]
June 2, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
Don’t take your eyes off the road. Obviously, it’s good advice, but it doesn’t say much about your other senses. For example, consider the amount of work your ears are doing when you’re driving. You’re using your ears to engage with other individuals in your vehicle, call your attention to important information appearing on your […]
May 25, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
When is it time to get a hearing exam? You need a hearing test if you have any of these four signs. Recently, my kids complained about how loud my television was. Do you know what I said to them? I said, “What”? It was a joke. I thought it was funny. But it also […]
May 17, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
The buzzing in your ear keeps worsening. It began quietly enough, one of those “is it really there” sort of things. But you’ve observed how loud and constant the tinnitus noises have become after a full day on the job at a construction site. Sometimes, it sounds like ringing or other noises. You’re considering coming […]
May 11, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
The last time you ate dinner with family, you were rather frustrated. Not because of any intra-family drama (though there’s always a little bit of that). No, the source of the stress was simple: it was loud, and you couldn’t hear anything. So you didn’t get the opportunity to ask about Dave’s new cat or […]
May 4, 2022 | Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services
You finally obtained your new hearing aids. You’re so excited to be able to jump into your social life again. No more bad transitions or confused conversations. But there’s an issue: everything sounds a little bit off. That’s because it’ll most likely take you a while to adjust to a new set of hearing aids. […]