Should I Get a Hearing Test?

Woman in a booth getting a hearing test.

At what point should you consider getting your hearing assessed? Here are several signs you should have your hearing assessed.

Recently, my children expressed discontent with the high volume of the TV. Do you know what I said to them? I said, “What?!” It was meant to be humerous. But it also wasn’t. The television has been getting louder and louder. And I began to wonder: Should I get a hearing test?

There’s no good reason to avoid scheduling a hearing test. They aren’t invasive, there’s no radiation, and you don’t have to feel uneasy about discomfort. You just need to take a brief moment to set up an appointment.

Given the considerable impact that neglected hearing loss can have on your general well-being, it’s crucial to be proactive about monitoring your hearing.

You should have your hearing assessed if you detect these signs

If you’ve noticed any recent changes that might be a sign of hearing loss, scheduling a comprehensive hearing evaluation with a professional is likely a wise decision. Clearly, if things are hard to hear, that’s a rather solid indication of hearing loss.

  • Ambient noise can be overwhelming: Have you ever struggled to hear a conversation in a loud or crowded setting, where the surrounding racket makes it hard to catch every word? That could be a sign of hearing loss.
  • People always seem to be speaking unclearly: The issue may not always be volume but rather definition.
  • You regularly overlook text messages: Your phone is designed to be attention-grabbing. If you routinely fail to observe incoming calls or texts, the issue may be that you’re not able to hear them.
  • Persistent ringing sound: A continuous sensation of ringing in your ears, referred to as tinnitus, is typically a sign of damage to your hearing.

Here are a few other situations that indicate you should schedule a hearing assessment:

  • Your ear hasn’t cleared after an infection
  • You have a buildup of earwax you can’t remove on your own
  • You take certain medications that can harm your hearing
  • Determining where sounds are coming from can be challenging
  • You have vertigo

Routine hearing assessments

Even if you aren’t experiencing any noticeable symptoms, it’s still important to schedule routine hearing tests.

  • It is encouraged to have a baseline test carried out after reaching the age of 21.
  • For individuals with normal hearing, it’s recommended to have a hearing evaluation every three years.
  • If you display symptoms of hearing loss, have it assessed right away and then yearly afterwards.

Routine assessments can help you detect hearing loss before any red flags appear. Prompt expert attention can substantially improve your chances of maintaining healthy hearing over time. This means you should probably turn your TV down and set up a hearing test.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.